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Get Clear and Get Results
Create Your Vision, Know Your Mission and Design a Plan!

by Cheryl Vallejos, CPBA, CPVA

Clear vision has its rewards

You know that the goals you set usually bear some kind of fruit, right? So wouldn't you like to predict exactly which kind and how much? In order to reap the benefits of setting goals, you need to create a systematic way to achieve them. And having support along the way is paramount to keep you on the track to success.

If you don't know where you are going,
Any road will get you there!
Cheshire Cat

Build your own effective and powerful plan

Learn the 11 key organizing steps to help build your plan and get you where you want to be.

  1. Define your Vision: What does this look like to you? Clearly determine what your vision is for this goal and how you see the outcome.

  2. Clarify your Mission: Get as clear as you can and write down all details. Ask yourself why do I want this? The challenge here is not so much achieving what you want, it's knowing what you want. Create a clear, exciting mission statement that aligns with your strategic objectives.

  3. Identify your Purpose: Why are you going after here? What is your intent? Think through the complete process about why this purpose will be of value and visualize the outcome.

  4. Identify your goals: In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we tend to do the least important and the least urgent.

    For maximum effectiveness, ensure your goals are:

    • Specific - Vague goals can only be vaguely achieved. It's easier to create a plan for specific goals, allowing the results to be tracked more accurately. Break large goals down into smaller, detailed action steps.

    • Measurable - A measurable goal can help you and your staff objectively monitor progress. Find a way to measure results or ways to change the action and re-measure for results.

    • Actionable - Consider the resources and support staff you need to achieve the goal and then develop a draft plan of action to get it done. Make this detailed enough to be your roadmap.

    • Realistic - Nothing is so discouraging as unrealistic expectations, so make them reasonable and comfortably doable.

    • Time-oriented - Set both long- and short-term goals. Create practical timelines for completion to ensure self-accountability. Avoid problems and procrastination. As Duke Ellington once said, "I don't need time. What I need is a deadline."

  5. Write your goal down: Writing out your goal is an important part of the process. Don't forget this one! "The day you commit to a goal, you already have it. It just hasn't arrived yet!" Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Record your goals on an easy-to-read spreadsheet and refer to them often. Develop a system -- chart or graph -- to visually measure progress and sustain enthusiasm and commitment.

  6. Systematization: Create a daily action plan that will help move you toward completion.

  7. Create accountability: Share your goals with appropriate people in your life -- business partners, staff, mastermind group or your family -- and ask them to hold you accountable and to share in your vision.

  8. Support: Hire a great coach to round out your full steam ahead support team. Choose someone to support you who will be objective and keep you steadily working towards your goals.

  9. Structure: Set up reminders on a regular basis to check where you are with your systemized plan. Is your execution plan working for you or do you need a different process to help keep you on track?

  10. Imagine the best: Focus on every success, and learn to take setbacks in stride. It is possible! Although my staff would say professional speakers never suffer from lack of ego, here's a reminder that a positive outlook will help you take those calculated risks and get you further than self-doubt ever will. Success is focusing on what you do well!

  11. It's okay to change course: Continued success today requires being adaptable and flexible. It's okay to modify your goals to reflect changes in your personal life and the world around you.

    Reaching higher goals requires a strong focus. These techniques and tools will help guide you. They are the WHAT of the problem; a coach will teach you the HOW and the WHY.

    • Clarify a compelling future vision.
    • Break through procrastination and take action.
    • Develop a "Master Plan" so you can achieve your most important goals.
    • Replace old habits with "success habits".
    • Create momentum and avoid being overwhelmed.
    • Be more effective and get better results.
Action Exercise

  1. Get clear on your vision

  2. Clarify your mission

  3. Identify your purpose

  4. Plan your goals

  5. Monitor the results

Cheryl Vallejos is a certified in Law of Attraction practitioner who imparts her wisdom on attracting happiness, success and prosperity - mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Cheryl is author of "Injecting the Juice into Leadership" and "Time on Your Side" is a professional business coach and consultant with over 22 years experience in business leadership. She works with professionals who are ready to attract more success, happiness and abundance in their life as they combine The Law of Attraction with business building techniques. Click here to sign up for the FREE electronic book,"Using the Law of Attraction for Personal and Professional Success" or contact her for more information: Cheryl@PrimeLeaders.com

Prime Leaders - It's Prime Time for Success!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Cheryl Vallejos

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